Halo is one of our greatest laser skin rejuvenation treatments. It’s a state of the art technology, unique in featuring a dual wavelength mode to stimulate collagen growth while improving surface texture and tone of your skin. Halo successfully targets concerns such as enlarged pores, sun damage, discoloration, fine lines, wrinkles, and dullness. Halo is also used to treat raised or indented scars caused by acne, surgery or injury.

Halo is a treatment that is very easy to tolerate and to heal from. Downtime, involving only mild to moderate discoloration and rough texture lasts only under a week. Halo is appropriate for the damaged and aged skin as well as for our younger patients wishing to address the beginning stages of aging and to prevent its progression.
Frequently Asked Questions Halo Sciton
What results can I expect?
Halo will be a total skin rejuvenation treatment. You will see dramatic changes in overall tone, texture discoloration, skin reflectivity, lines, pore size, and glow.
How many treatments do you need?
It depends on the amount of sun damage you have, how much you are looking to improve your skin, and how aggressive the overall treatment is. We have extensive experience in lasers and know how to precisely customize the treatment to give you the best value for your investment. Mild sun damage may only need one treatment while more advanced photo-aging may need three treatments.
How long does the Halo treatment take?
It depends on the area treated. It may be a half hour for the face, or for larger areas and combination therapy it can take over an hour.
What does Halo™ feel like?
With topical anesthetic and integrated cooling technology, most people feel very little discomfort. Most people describe the treatment as a feeling of heat with occasional prickling sensations but are typically comfortable. After the treatment, most people will continue to feel warm for an average of 30 minutes, or a bit longer with deeper treatment levels.
How soon after my treatment can I return to normal activities?
For the first 24 hours you should keep your skin protected and calm, but after that, you should be able to go about your regular activities. You will be able to put on makeup the next day after treatment as you will see very little change on the first day. After two to three days you will develop a light bronzing appearance. By day three or four your skin will peel, revealing your new skin beneath.
When will I see results?
You will see initial results about four to five days after your Halo treatment, but your skin will continue to improve over time. Most patients see the greatest pigmentary improvement in the first two to three weeks. This is followed by a dermal regeneration phase that continues to improve for months.
How much does a Halo treatment cost?
Every Halo treatment is customized for your skin and your lifestyle. Depending on your needs, you may need a single treatment or a series of treatments.
Call today and see why Halo and our other laser and facial technologies might be right for you!