Venus Legacy


The Venus Legacy™ is your best option for combating stubborn fat areas and cellulite. It combines VariPulse™ technology with our proven 3D™ MP2 energy, causing it to travel deeper into the skin resulting in increased blood circulation, immediate plumping, and glowing skin. Results can be seen in as little as one treatment – no pain, discomfort or downtime!

Venus Legacy Frequently Asked Questions:


Q. What is Venus Legacy?
A. Venus Legacy is the strongest, deepest, and largest device on the market for the body to help conditions such as cellulite, loose skin, stretch marks, and circumference reduction. Venus Legacy, with Sculpt Fx™ and Lift Fx™, outdates its predecessor Venus Freeze, and utilizes a patented technology that combines both multi-polar radio frequency (RF) along with pulsed magnetic fields (MP)². These two types of energy work in synergy to effectively deliver remarkable clinical results on the Body for Skin Tightening, cellulite, circumferential reduction, and on the Face, reduction in lines, and increased skin tightening.

Q. How does Venus Legacy work?
A. Venus Legacy utilizes a patented technology that combines both multi-polar radio frequency (RF) along with pulsed magnetic fields (MP)². Venus Freezeʼs (MP)2 technology uses a dense energy matrix which penetrates multiple layers of skin, heating uniformly from the inside out. By increasing tissue temperature, FGF-2 hormone activity is enhanced, and triglycerides located in the fat cells are broken down and fatty acids freed from the fat cells. In this way, the volume can be reduced (producing circumferential reduction). The blood flow in the treated area is improved, enhancing the skinʼs tone and texture. Vitamins, minerals, and oxygen are carried more easily to the cells, and toxins and waste materials are removed. Skin tightening is another result of the Venus Legacy treatment, as tiny new blood vessels are formed in the treatment areas and dermal fibroblasts are created; fibroblasts then increase the number of collagen and elastin fibers. New collagen and elastin creation results in tighter skin and filling in of wrinkles/wrinkle reduction.

Q. When will I see results, and how long does it last?
A. Most patients typically see results after the third treatment, however, many have noted results even sooner. With FDA approval, Venus Legacy has documented itʼs results to last a minimum 18 months but will continue to last ongoing if one session per quarter is maintained after series.

Q. What can Venus Legacy with Sculpt Fx™ and Lift Fx™ do for me?
A. Venus Legacy has multiple applications for both the face and body. For the face, Venus Legacy is indicated for lines and wrinkles, new blood vessel growth, and for skin tightening. For the $body, Venus Legacy used to decrease cellulite, reduce circumference, and increase skin tightening, and improve stretch marks.

Q. Why would I choose this over a permanent fat reduction therapy like Vanquish?
A. Vanquish is a true alternative to Liposuction, as it permanently destroys fat. Venus Legacy can be used in conjunction for an overall body makeover. We recommend using Vanquish first to blast the fat, then using Venus Legacy to smooth the skin, reduce cellulite, tighten the tissue, help the appearance of stretch marks, and give an all over finished body makeover.

Q. Why would I use Venus Legacy over other cellulite procedures?
A. Only the Venus Legacy and its former device Venus Freeze uses a multi-polar system combined with radio frequency, which gives it better depth, coverage area, and unbeatable results. The (MP) 2 component induces the proliferation of fibroblast, who in turn produce collagen, and the RF component creates a controlled thermal damage and initiates a wound-healing process that involves the production of collagen. The end result is a significant increase in collagen production.

Q. How many treatments will I need?
A. In general, we recommend a series of six Venus Legacy treatments for the face, spaced apart at weekly intervals. For the body, we recommend six to ten treatments performed weekly. After your series, it is recommended to maintain your results, by having a single treatment four times a year, similar to maintaining Botox.

Q. How long does a typical treatment take?
A. Venus Legacy features the Sculpt Fx™ largest treatment area for faster coverage than any other standard hand-piece. Treatment times are up 4 times faster, hence you will spend between 25 minutes for a facial treatment and up to 60 minutes for a large area body treatment.

Q. Is this treatment just affecting water weight?
A. Unlike other procedures that may affect water, but not really reach the fat cells, Venus Legacy does not affect water content in the cells, rather our target is fat.

Q. How long has this treatment been around?
A. Venus Legacy is brand new to Mexico and Vive Medical Spa is of the first in the country to have this technology. It’s predecessor, Venus Freeze, has been around since 2011.

Q. Is there scientific evidence to support the magnet pulse component?
A. It is well documented that the magnetic pulse has a positive effect on wound and bone healing, the creation of new small blood vessels (angiogenesis) and collagen production. These clinical effects have been evident in many clinical trials. Furthermore, this non-invasive therapy was approved by the FDA as a safe and effective technology for medical use. The (MP)² uses this technology to dramatically improve skin appearance, via inducement of angiogenesis and collagen production.

Q. What should I expect immediately following the procedure?
A. You may have some temporary redness in the area, which usually resolves within an hour. You will want to be active after the procedure as the triglycerides are being released, as to not have them reabsorb back into the fat cell. You donʼt necessarily need to exercise, a mild movement will do, long as you just donʼt go to sleep right away.

Q. Will Venus Legacy hurt?
A. No. The beauty of Venus Legacy is that it feels like a warm pulsing hot rock massage, which will have you looking forward to your next treatment.

Q. Which parts of the body can be treated by Venus Legacy?
A. Face, Neck, Décolletage, Arms, Abdomen, Flanks, Buttocks, Thighs.

Q. What is the impact of (MP) on fat cells?
A. (MP)² raises the temperature of the treated area and induces lipolysis-enzyme-mediated breakdown of triglycerides into glycerol and free fatty acids. These fatty acids pass from the fat cell into the blood stream, and the volume of the cell is reduced. The fatty acids may be metabolized by various cells in the body or restored again as triglycerides in fat cells. To prevent restoring, just donʼt go to sleep for a few hours following your treatment.

Q. What should I wear to my appointment?
A. We recommend wearing washable clothes, as the gel we use could get on dry cleaned clothes and possibly leave a stain. We do, however, protect your clothes carefully when performing the treatment.

Q. Will this breakdown my filler?
A. There is no study to show any breakdown in fillers from the Venus Legacy, however, we tend to avoid the area.

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